Why I miss weddings part 1

As most everyone knows, I used to be a coules & wedding photographer full time before I got into boudoir. After 10 years of shooting weddings, I was just tired. Photographing weddings is exhausting but after having around 6 months off from weddings, I’m starting to miss it… a lot.

Some people tell me I am weird, but I love being challenged and pushing my limits and shooting weddings are very challenging. That is something I am really craving, the difficulty of it all. You have to be on your toes 100% of the day ready to shoot in harsh sun, complete darkness, with a bonfire, in a tiny room, from 100 feet away literally at any moment. It’s fucking hard and I like that.

And when you are a traveling wedding photographer, it is even more difficult especially if you have to travel by plane. I don’t know what other wedding photographers do. I stopped following other photographers all together because I felt they had too much influence over my work and took my attention away from business and my clients. But, personally, I would never ever ever check my gear bag at an airport ESPECIALLY if I was shooting a wedding because what if they lose my bag and I show up to shoot the wedding with my phone? I could probably do it, but I don’t want to and, even though there a few local wedding photographers who actually think it’s acceptable (wtf?!) I find it incredibly unprofessional to show up to any shoot without at least a camera, but really a photographer should have two cameras and lighting on hand at every shoot.

I have carried two cameras, 3 lenses, 2 strobe lights, 2 diffusers, a speedlight, speedlight diffuser and batteries for all of that with me on an airplane. It weighed like 65 pounds lol I’d rather show up disheveled in the same clothes I wore on the plane than without my shit. I’m not the one in the pictures anyway.

Boudoir is amazing and I LOVE what I do so much. Empowering women to push their limits is in my DNA, but I work in a studio. Everything is already set up, lighting is ready. I know where light hits best through the windows and I have everything here I could ever possibly need, which makes the photography part of boudoir incredibly easy…. too easy.

I always tell my clients, if you have a crazy idea, please, for the love of God, bring them to me because I want to do it. I don’t care what it is. I AM BORED!!

So, there you have it. My number one reason I miss weddings is because I miss how challenging they are. I have a lot more reasons that I plan to share over time.


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The shower set is complete!